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Platform Management

The Platform Management API is useful for tenant administration and management for Poly Lens Accounts.


Show Tenants - Provides a view of the available tenants and pulls relevant data like device count, rooms, and sites. Can also return the number of associated admin users.

Supported APIs

Tenant Management

APIDescriptionTypeRequired Arguments
createTenant Creates a new tenant in Poly Lens.Mutationname
deleteTenantDeletes a tenant in Poly Lens.MutationtenantId
tenant Returns tenant details for a given ID.QuerytenantId
tenantCountReturns the total number of tenants for given user from Poly Lens.Queryn/a
tenants Returns a list of tenant details.Queryn/a
updateTenantUpdates a tenant in Poly Lens.MutationtenantId

User Management

APIDescriptionTypeRequired Arguments
acceptUserInvite Accept a user invite.Mutationcode (user invite ID)
cancelUserInviteCancel a user invite.Mutationcode (user invite ID)
getAuditLogs Collects information about user activities in a Poly Lens account. This information is available to Poly Lens admins and enables them to see data such as the time when user logged in, the time when a user is added or removed, etc.QuerytenantId
inviteUser Invite one or more users to join a tenant.Mutationrole, tenantId, emails
rejectUserInvite Reject a user invite.Mutationcode (user invite ID)
resendUserInvite Resend a user invite.Mutationcode (user invite ID)
userReturns a user for the specified user id.QueryuserID
userInvitesByTenant Returns all user invites associated with the specified tenantId.QuerytenantId
users Returns a list of users according to the input parameters.QueryUserSearchGrant>resourceID (tenantId)